Martin Pretorius

5th Dan

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Martin Pretorius Sensei is currently a senior member on the Shihankai and senior Dojo Head in the World Shotokan Karate-do Federation South Africa and successfully graded for his 4th Dan in Tokyo, Japan, in 2015.

Full Name: Martin Pretorius
Date of birth: 10 October 1969
Family details: Married to Lynette with son Werner
Stays in: Vanderbijlpark South Africa
Occupation: Police officer
Date started Karate: 1989
First instructor: Coert Steynberg Sensei
Dojo of affiliation: WSKF Vereeniging
Best karate memory: Training with Yahara Sensei and Kasuya Sensei
Karate Dream: To be a Dojo Head
Favourite Kata: Sochin
Favourite Technique: Mae geri