WSKF Black Belt Training – July 2023

22 Jul

The morning of 1 July 2023 dawned clear and crisp… It was time for Black Belt Training and karateka from across Gauteng converged on Kuro-Obi Shotokan Karate-do Institute in Vanderbijlpark. Anyone who has trained in the Vaal area during the winter months will attest to the fact that it is not for the faint of heart. Outside we were greeted by a frosty 0° Celsius wind. Inside, though, we received the warm, whole-hearted welcome from our Vaal karate family that we have come to cherish.

Dojos from Potchefstroom, Germiston, Centurion, Vereeniging, Sasolburg and Vanderbijlpark were well represented. Under the watchful eye of Andrio Lombaard Sensei (Godan), students practised various kihon combinations that specifically aid the execution of techniques to follow in the Kumite section of the class.

In previous months’ training, the dominant theme was centred around Jiyu Ippon kumite defence combinations. This theme was extended into the July session with a particular focus on defence combinations for gyaku-zuki -, kizami-zuki -, mawashi-geri -, yoko-geri kekomi -,   and ushiro-geri attacks.

The kata section of the class offered students the opportunity to refresh, practice and study Tekki Shodan, Tekki Nidan and Tekki Sandan. Students had various questions about the different techniques and nuances in these katas and Andrio Lombaard Sensei clearly distinguished between the technical elements within movements and transition from one movement to the next.

After the class concluded, students were treated to cupcakes in celebration of the birthday of Tatjana Radojevic-Rogowski Sensei, a member of the Saiko Shihankai of WSKF-SA. So, with a cupcake in hand and laughs all around, friends and fellow karateka said goodbye with the prospect of training together again in the very near future.

The next training opportunity promises to be a truly memorable event as it forms part of the Vanderbijlpark Dojo 50-Year 

Anniversary Celebrations. WSKF members, both young and old, will gather in Vanderbijlpark on 29 July 2023 to train together and celebrate this momentous occasion.