WSKF Team Kumite Challenge – 2019

17 Jun

It’s a cold morning on Monday, 17th June, and the air is buzzing with excitement as people stream in to the WSKF team challenge hosted at PMSC Kopanelo Indoor Sport Centre, Potchefstroom. Months of preparation have passed and now it’s time to put the energy on the floor! The focus of this unique event is all about building skill and camaraderie within WSKF.

Over a hundred competitors and over thirty officials line up for the opening bow and are ready to go at 8am. The championships started with the Team Kata divisions with each team giving their all and looking strong. There was clearly a lot of preparation at each and every competing dojo!

After a winning Unsu Team Kata by the Potchefstroom senior team, there was a quick break before the Team Kumite challenges kicked off. This was structured over two floors with a round robin of six men and six ladies teams. Ranging from 7 years old to over 21s, with 5 in a team. Each one competing against his own age group and earning points for their team see them progress higher up for the final challenge.

That wraps up an awesome day of karate WSKF style – everything fair, well organised, and in the spirit of true budo! New friends made and new challenges set for the next team challenge coming next year.

Congratulations to the all the winners and all students who took part in this fun event!


Senior Training, Referee & Table Officials Course – 2019

15 Jun

A busy day and another excellent regional senior training hosted in Vereeninging, followed by a successful referee and table official course conducted by Mike Sensei and Tatjana Sensei respectively.

In the first part of senior training, Mike Sensei focused on kihon and there-after the katas Sochin, Jitte, and Basai Dai were looked at in detail in preparation for the upcoming Japan grading.

After a fantastic lunch prepared by Lynette and John, the referee and table official courses commenced. Mike Sensei conducted a great referee course and all students old and new had the opportunity for valuable practical experience with different scenarios presented.

The table official course was conducted by Tatjana Sensei and the team of students and parents ran through their own set of draw sheet scenarios all in preparation for the upcoming WSKF events.

A big thank you to everyone involved – it was a great knowledge based day for all!