Senior Training, Referee & Table Officials Course – 2019

15 Jun

A busy day and another excellent regional senior training hosted in Vereeninging, followed by a successful referee and table official course conducted by Mike Sensei and Tatjana Sensei respectively.

In the first part of senior training, Mike Sensei focused on kihon and there-after the katas Sochin, Jitte, and Basai Dai were looked at in detail in preparation for the upcoming Japan grading.

After a fantastic lunch prepared by Lynette and John, the referee and table official courses commenced. Mike Sensei conducted a great referee course and all students old and new had the opportunity for valuable practical experience with different scenarios presented.

The table official course was conducted by Tatjana Sensei and the team of students and parents ran through their own set of draw sheet scenarios all in preparation for the upcoming WSKF events.

A big thank you to everyone involved – it was a great knowledge based day for all!

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