We are proud to announce the results of the National Dan Grading that took place on 10th October 2015 in Vanderbijlpark.
The Grading Panel is proud of every one of the participants and feels that the standard of karate was good.
Graded to Shodan:
Angeleki Albanis
Pieter De Koning
Veronica Patterson
Justin Van Jaarsveld
Christiaan Van Wyk
Graded to Nidan:
Wenette Jordaan
Mark Coetzer
Mikell Van der Linde
Savannah Hauser
Deon Van den Berg
Banie Niehaus
Candace Degnan
Karin Swanepoel
Graded to Sandan:
Elize Zywotkiewicz
Gary Van Jaarsveld