WSKF South Africa National Black Belt Grading – 2016

14 Jun

During the historic visit of our chief instructor, Kasuya Sensei, we are very proud to announce that the following people attained various Dan grading status as follows.

Kasuya sensei stated that the standard of the grading was good

We take this opportunity of congratulating the members who were successful in attaining their Dan Grading conducted by Kasuya Sensei:

Carlos Contreiras Gouveia Rokudan

Wayne Degnan Yondan

Stephan Steyn Yondan

Zilla Steyn Yondan

Maryna Lottering Yondan

Cobus Nienaber Sandan

Kylie Marnitz Nidan

Andre Kruger Shodan

William Van Blerk Shodan

John Van der Sandt Shodan

Elana Smalberger Shodan

Liam Aylward Shodan

Alexandra Correia Shodan

Paula Correia Shodan

Rudi Van Wyk Shodan

Karin Lombaard Shodan

Aaliyah Lala Shodan

Vivek Jugdeo Shodan

Renier Basson Shodan

Michael Klopper Shodan

Sechaba Motshweneng Shodan

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